Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I had the opportunity to work with the youth in my stake to create a logo for their trek this coming summer. They're going to live like the pioneers for three days. This was a very fun project!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

PCAS 2011

I'm working with a client that needs an event logo for a figure skating competition coming up in 2011. It will be held here in Las Vegas, so thus the Las Vegas hotels. Props to anyone who can name all five that I used. This logo was met with enthusiasm, we will see how the rest of the board likes it ;)

Avenue H Final Logo

We've decided on a final logo for Avenue H. This one has a more organic feel than the original ideas, and it also carries the optional byline.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Character Design

I'm working with an English as a second language school right now. This is the biggest use of my time lately. I am formating as well as doing the illustrations for their work book. The first one will be 70 pages long. This character is my favorite. It's me with dark hair and bigger eyes- that's even the shirt I was wearing that day :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some more recent work

I did some new logo design for a children's performing group called Talent Team. I created many logos for this project, here are some of my favorites.

These ones have a playful, abstract, energetic feel.

This one has more of a vintage show sign feel to it.